

Expose Custom Metrics

By default PM2 Plus will add some metrics into your application, but it’s not always enough.
@pm2/io is the library that will help you add custom metrics to monitor the critical parts of your application.

Create a custom metrics

You can create a custom metrics with the method metric() of @pm2/io.

const io = require('@pm2/io')

const realtimeUser = io.metric({
  name: 'Realtime user',


This arguments are available:

  • name: A easy to understand name to be shown in the UI
  • id: A unique identifier for the metric
  • unit: Unit of measure for the metric
  • historic: keep the history in PM2 Plus (default: true)

The type corresponds to one of the 4 ways to gather metrics:

  • metric: To expose a variable’s value
  • counter: A discrete counter to be triggered manually to increase or decrease a number
  • meter: To measure a frequency, a number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time
  • histogram: To measure a statistic, a statistic on a metric over the last hour


In active mode, you need to save the return of the metric method. This will give you an object that has the method set(). Use this method to update the value of the metric.

const realtimeUsers = io.metric({
  name: 'Realtime Users'
  id: 'app/realtime/users',



The second type of metric, called counter, is a discrete counter that helps you count the number of occurrence of a particular event. The counter starts at 0 and can be incremented or decremented.

const io = require('@pm2/io');

const currentReqs = io.counter({
  name: 'Realtime request count',
  id: 'app/realtime/requests'

http.createServer((req, res) => {
  // Increment the counter, counter will eq 1;
  req.on('end', () => {
    // Decrement the counter, counter will eq 0


The third type of metric, called meter, computes the frequency of an event. Each time the event happens, you need to call the mark() method. By default, the frequency is the number of events per second over the last minute.

const io = require('@pm2/io')

const reqsec = io.meter({
  name: 'req/sec',
  id: 'app/requests/volume'

http.createServer((req, res) => {
  res.end({ success: true })


This last type of metric collects values and provides statistic tools to explore their distribution over the last hour. By default it will use the mean (percentile 50) of the last hour but you can choose between:

  • min, max, sum, count, variance, mean, stddev, median, p75, p95, p99, p99.
const io = require('@pm2/io')

const latency = io.metric({
  name: 'latency',
  type: 'histogram',
  measurement: 'mean'

const latencyValue = 0;

setInterval(() => {
  latencyValue = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
}, 100);

Next Steps

Custom Action Center